AWS EC2 Instance (Virtual Machines)

You'll find a real EC2 instance in your Tensor9 AWS account.

This EC2 instance high fidelity digital twin mirrors the operational state of the EC2 instance running in the customer appliance. Here's what you can do:

  • Observe Instance State: Open the EC2 console in your Tensor9 AWS account to view the state of the EC2 instance (e.g., running, stopped, or terminated). This reflects the actual state of the instance in the customer appliance.
  • Monitor Metrics: View key metrics such as CPU utilization, disk usage, and network activity. These metrics are synchronized in real time with the corresponding EC2 instance in the customer appliance.
  • Observe Logs: System logs (e.g., instance initialization logs) can be viewed, provided they are explicitly allow-listed by the customer.
    • Log Allow-List: The customer must define which logs can be viewed through the digital twin.
    • Audit Logging: All logs accessed by the vendor through the digital twin are appended to the customer’s audit log for full traceability.
  • Send SSH Commands: You can send non-interactive SSH commands to the EC2 instance digital twin. However, this feature is subject to the following conditions:
    • Command Allow-List: The customer must explicitly allow-list which commands can be sent to their EC2 instances.
    • Audit Logging: All issued commands, along with their corresponding output, are logged in the customer’s audit log for traceability.
  • Debug Failures: If an EC2 instance in the customer appliance experiences an issue (e.g., hardware failure or OS-level crash), the corresponding EC2 instance digital twin will reflect this failure by entering a stopped or terminated state. This allows you to detect and investigate issues without direct access to the customer’s environment.

The EC2 instance digital twin is designed to use minimal resources:

  • An EC2 instance requiring m5.4xlarge in the customer appliance may be represented by a t2.micro in the digital twin, keeping infrastructure costs low.

This lightweight design maintains real-time synchronization and observability while reducing resource usage.